Forums - someone tell me that me how to beat that annoying blackheart! Show all 21 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- someone tell me that me how to beat that annoying blackheart! ( Posted by InvincibleStorm on 08:17:2001 03:30 AM: someone tell me that me how to beat that annoying blackheart! he stays up in the air kicking your ass. I hate that! I need some advice on how to beat him. the AAA captain commando assist does not work. Posted by Ironmetal22 on 08:17:2001 03:40 AM: You must be fighting a guy that knowns what hes doing, Doom, Cable both beat him stay on the same horizontal level as he is Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:17:2001 03:58 AM: he is talking about my blackheart iron metal my blackheart is a monster!!! anyway little i'm tell u how to beat my blackheart. use your cable. just jump shot granade when u see me jump up and drop demons call ken. or use storm and rush me down! hope this helps u still coming over tommorrow?? Posted by InvincibleStorm on 08:17:2001 04:13 AM: Ironmetal, he does know what he's doing very well. Blackheart2097 i will destroy your blackheart from now on! Posted by GeekBoy on 08:17:2001 04:27 AM: Never give him an edge, always be on top of him, it's pretty simple when you're Magneto, hence fast dases and such, but if you're Cable or someone with a slow air dash, pace yourself in, don't make careless mistakes to get your ass nailed with Inferno XX HOD. If you're playing a meterless BH or a predictable BH, you can time when he will do one move, use that moment as an opening and spring for a very damaging combo or a trap or ETC., also, watch for his mistakes when he throws his demons, sometimes he'll miscalculate and get a longer air dash rather than the other set of demons he wanted. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:17:2001 04:29 AM: We'll see... my blackheart is very smart my friend. use that team of cable, storm and cyclops thats one of your best teams. u could beat my blackheart but probally not my storm. u betta come i need a training dummy for my spiral lol. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:17:2001 04:32 AM: my blackheart has 2 words for magneto!!!!!! captain corrider!!! Posted by Roo_Matthew on 08:17:2001 04:38 AM: Screw a jumping BH!!!!!! Use another BH assist(aa)XXHailStorm. Storm owns BH all day. Posted by Naslectronical on 08:17:2001 04:43 AM: You need to stay on the same horizontal level with Blackheart in ordr to beat him. Cable/Decent AAA Doom/Blackheart Sentinel/Capcom or Commando Iceman/Blackheart These teams pretty much beat BH/anything. Cable's Viperbeams and Grenades pretty much keep him on hold. If he gets above you, use the AAA. If he tries Inferno XX HOD you can AHVB. Doom's sj. fierce laser beats out BH's demons and controls the horizontal level. Once Doom grounds BH, he dies. He gets chipped to death. Capcom AAA does work, but you have to rush him down, preferably with Sentinel. Once Sentinel gets in the air with his flight mode and that Capcom AAA there's very little BH can do. Especially if he's grounded. Sentinel can be in all the places BH doesn't want his opponent, and it's not that hard for him to get to them and stay there. Iceman's FP Icebeam cuts through the demons and nails BH(even if you don't his him, the demons won't hit you as they'll be dissolved in the Icebeam). He takes no chip from Inferno XX HOD. The only thing you have to worry about is if he has Doom he can rush you down and chip. If that's the case, then you'll have to run away with sj. Icebeams and BH AAA. If he doesn't have Doom, then you'll basically have a field day. Posted by InvincibleStorm on 08:17:2001 04:52 AM: Naslectronical all of that is very good advice but he is a very experienced blackheart. So he knows how to avoid most things. Posted by aks216 on 08:17:2001 08:05 PM: lol, first off, he said his team was blackheart/storm/cyclops. it's a good team but cable owns that team. like ironmetal said, try to stay at the same horizontal level as him. if he normal jumps, you normal jump, if he superjumps, you superjump and if he throws out a demon, ahvb that ass. also, you said he always stays above you, now that's not a good blackheart player, he needs to mix it up by doing jumping forward/backwards fierce punch demons too which i think is more effective, but like i said, bh dies to cable. so all i can tell you is with cable, ahvb that ass, and don't get close, cause he has cyclops anti air which could set up the infinite, so just stay on the same level as he is. and capcom can bring his ass down. also, never block low when a bh is coming down, cause most good players will come down with a lk, and then start the infinite or combo into h.o.d. but a team of cable/capcom should take care of the team easily. also if he happens to hit the h.o.d on you when you're cable, right when you fly over to the other side, right when you get up, ahvb before he comes up from his dash, it should get him. but you got to do it quick or he'll be able to block. and then if you have enough meters, you should be able to ahvb his ass however many levels you have. if you have 4 or 5 it should kill his bh, then you got the game won. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:18:2001 04:17 AM: u told him to use cable?? lol my storm owns any cable!!! his best bet is magneto. invinvible storms cable is very good!! but he knows that my storm owns any character he uses. i don't just throw demons at random i'm smart!! trust me u guys give him good advice but if he does beat my blackheart he still can't handle my storm anyway. Posted by InvincibleStorm on 08:19:2001 02:49 AM: that's bullshit Blackheart2097! I can beat your storm with either my cable or my storm but i may have to use both to beat her good. Also most of the time your blackheart stays on the damn ground with the jump shoot then grenades. Anyways thanks for all your advice everyone, it really helped me out. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:19:2001 03:14 AM: inviciblestorm u can't handle my storm what the fuck u talking about??? my storm rapes your cable or anyone else cable for that matter. don't talk trash on the internet come to my house on monday and we'll see if that advice really helped u i don't it!!! Posted by Dragonspirit on 08:19:2001 04:35 AM: Blackheart Why does everyone start talking shit in every thread....Well anyway, Cable and Cammy's anti air assist kicks the hell out of blackheart. YOu don't even really need Cammy but it helps. JUSt wait for the right oppurtunity adn AHVB that shit! You just have to be patient against a good blackheart. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:19:2001 05:31 AM: i'm not talking shit. i can actually back it up just ask invincible storm. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 08:19:2001 05:34 AM: Blackheart2097 and i have 2 words for your Captain Corridor...Cammy Assist ala justin Wong Style. Or doom Assist takes out Captain Posted by GhOstDawG on 08:19:2001 07:39 AM: to beat black heart use a black capcom. to do so select him by using the assist 1 button Posted by Flyasianboy on 08:19:2001 07:55 AM: You could always try Jin, his cyclone super and machine gun super is well used when he is jumping exactly overhead. And his AAA is nicely used when his blackheart comes down or gets close Or you could always try a flying sentinel with a BH/capcom/cammy AAA assist Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 08:19:2001 05:15 PM: Another thing to remember is that DEMONS DONT TO CHIP DAMAGE...i see ppl all the time trying to get out of being hit by the demons by dashing and shit like that ....just wait till he lands and then superjump with him..its simple...just dont pay attention to the demons... Posted by NerenatwaH on 08:20:2001 09:11 AM: Yes that's actually a good point. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:28 PM. 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